Friday, March 13, 2009

Furthering His Kingdom Fridays

Happy Birthday to Jesus! The REAL reason for the season. Celebrating Jesus' birth tends to take a back seat to the Christmas overload of the holiday season. For our family we decided to make it the "main event" complete with a birthday cake. This is a brand new tradtion we started in my family. From the youngest members of our family to the oldest, it is a tradition worth keeping for our very special guest of honor. The best gift we can give our children is the gift of eternal life!


  1. Is the birthday cake shaped and decorated like a gift?! ADORABLE! I love it! We also do a cake for the Lord's birthday every year. My daughter had a blast making Him one, and nothing is more special than that. :o)

    You have a beautiful family! Thanks for participating in "Furthering His Kingdom" Friday!

  2. I want to add this tradition but can not seem to fit it in....
