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Seeing as how it is just my daughter & I at home, having my nephew Sam over to spend the night is a real treat. This evening we went to the park, out to dinner, to the library and now we are home. Our home is filled with "yots and yots" of toys (the girl kind) Sarah & I have fun improvising and coming up with fun, new ways to keep a little boy entertained. The costumes I brought home from school were a big hit. Sam loves dressing up like a "Hot Wheels Driver" and looks pretty darn cute in his new suit! We also came up a car wash for his Hot Wheels. The car wash was a HUGE success! Sam worked for a long time making those cars very clean & shiny!
Sam at the car wash. He was very serious about getting those cars clean!
Someone LOVED dressing up! Here is a "SUPER fast" Hot Wheels Driver!