Sam & Carys are my 3 year old, twin nephew & neice. They are always up to something and my sister, Skylar, always has funny stories to share when it come to those two! Sunday evening, my sister took the kids out to dinner with friends. Sam & Carys were climbing on the rocks that are out front of the area where people gather before dinner. Sam made it to the top of the rock. Carys came next and in her hurry to get up to where Sam was, pushed him off the rock. Needless to say, Sam broke his arm. :( Sam was sooo cute in his little splint. His sister is such a bruiser that my sister had them cast it 2 days later due to the fact that Carys kept on taking him down, broken arm and all. Here is the handsome little patient showing off his blue cast. He is awfully proud of it. Here is to hoping that the 3 weeks it has to stay on goes by fast. Love you Sammy!